Ancestry of EMIL MUENCH
At an unknown date and place Emil's family name, MINSCH, was changed to MUENCH
- JULIUS MINSCH married Henrieatta Zichlke. Their children (order of birth of some children not known) were:
- WILLIAM (his children were Rudolph, Tina and Rita. His second wife was Mary.)
- AUGUST (his daughters were Agnes and Elsie) Canada.
- ALBERTINA, died at age 12.
- JULIANA, born in 1880. She was Baptized in 1st Baptist church on Sept. 04 1904, and married Henry Kuhn and lived in Winnepeg, Manitoba.
- EMIL, born September 10, 1877 in Schedlezer Gubernie Kolnie Konstantinooka, Schedezer, Russisch, Poland,. (Russian controlled until World War I). Married ROSALIA MARION HERR on May 19, 1902 in Kolonie Parembe in a Baptist church in Zdunskawolla, Poland.. Emmigrated to Canada, and then, in 1928, relocated in the United States of America. Returned to Canada in 1933. Emil died in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, July 11,1962.
Henrieatta nee Zichlke Muench died in 1882.
ROSALIA MARION HERR married EMIL MUENCH on May 19, 1902 in Kolonie Parembe in a Baptist church in Zdunska Wolla, Poland. *[There is a parish/village called Kolonia near Lazinsk Poland, which may be Kolonie Parembe.]
August has two daughters, Agnes and Elsie. William's children are Rudolph, Tina and Rita.
According to passages in "The Love That Endured", the book written by Emil and Rosalile Muench's youngest son, Reihnold, 'Julia' was Emil's sister. She married Fred Kuhn, and sent Emil the ticket to get him to Canada. There is a picture of her and Fred on page 35 taken sometime in the 1940s.
*Note: Frederick Kuhn's meticulous research turned up the following documented information:
MARTHA married Charlie Divall, March 22, 1924. After he died, she joined Jim Van Ohne in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Jim was born June 6, 1884 in Knoxville, Iowa. Moved from Swift Current to northeastern Saskatchewan, then to Coronation, Alberta, and last to Chilliwack, BC, where she died August 31, 1956 of cancer. Martha's children:
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AUGUST HERR, married to KAROLINE. Children born to this marriage:
- ANDREAS (or ANDREW), born June 19, 1881, died February 25, 1961
- ADOLPH, (lived at Bottrop in Westfalen wetheim St 130, British Zone, Germany), married LYDIA PELTZ
- FREDERICK, died before World War I
- ROSALIA MARION, born June 19, 1879 at Polen, Geburnie Kalish Kolonie, Russisch, Poland.(died in Canada1948).
- EMMA, married PELTZ
- BERTHOLD, (lived at Bottrop Flatte St 8, 211a in Westfalen, British Zone, Germany,) married KLINGER
- ROBERT, (lived at Bottrop in Westfalen Streuwiese St 18, British Zone Germany), married OTTILIE PELTZ
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ROSALIA MARION HERR married EMIL MUENCH on May 19, 1902 in Kolonie Parembe in a Baptist church in Zdunska Wolla, Poland. *[There is a parish/village called Kolonia near Lazinsk Poland, which may be Kolonie Parembe.]
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(L-R - men) August, Emil & William Muench
(L-R - women) Unknown, Rosalia (nee Herr) Muench, two women and four children unknown
This photograph may be Emil and Rosalia's wedding party. They were wed May 19, 1902 in Kolonie Parembe in a Baptist church in Zdunska Wolla, Poland. Emil had a sister, Julianne 'Julia' who emmigrated to Canada, where she married.
The seating arrangement suggests the women may be August's wife and children, Rosalie, and either William's wife, or the men's sister, Julianna Muench, who married William Friederick Kuhn. Julianna 'Julia' emigrated to Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada. Who the woman and child on the right are is unknown.
August has two daughters, Agnes and Elsie. William's children are Rudolph, Tina and Rita.
According to information sent to me from Frederick Andrew Kuhn, 14 Hull Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 27, 2016, his grandmother, Julianne [maiden name unknown] emmigrated, and that data in Canada indicates the year of Julianne's immigration was 1888, which would have made her about eight years old. It's not known with whom she emmigrated. On July 4, 1903, when she was about 23 years old, Julianne married William Frederick Kuhn.
Because the Muench children's mother died when Emil was five years old, he was raised by foster parents. Emil Muench had had little, not even shoes, when he was growing up, and life was harsh for him. Everything that was not eaten for food just to keep the soul alive was sold.
It's pure conjecture on my part, after receiving the information from Julianne Kuhn's grandson, Frederick Kuhn, that possibly Julianne 'Julia' Muench was raised by a foster family, which could have been Frederick's grandmother, Julianne and his father, William Fredrick Kuhn.
The Kuhn family was living in Lublin Poland at the time - not too far away. Friedrick Wilhelm Kuhn was 25 years old and his 1st wife Wilhemena would have been 23 years old. Kuhn folklore and some records indicate that Friedrick Wilhelm and Wilhemena Kuhn, emmigrated to Canada and that 8-year-old Julianna [Muench], was on the same boat. Wilhemena died in March, 1903.
Whether or not Wilhemena and Friedrick William Kuhn became foster parents to Julianne 'Julia' Muench, and whether or not she left Poland with them or someone else, Julianne Kuhn married Friedrick Wilhelm Kuhn after Wilhemena died.
The Muench and Kuhn families were close, in Poland and in Canada.
*Note from Julianna's grandson, Frederick Kuhn, living in Winnipeg [2016]:
I did some searching for data on Julianna Muench and there is not much doubt that she did not come to Canada with Frederick William and Wilhelmina Kuhn. Frederick William and Wilhelmina Kuhn show up in the Canadian 1891 census, Julianna does not.
In 1891 Julianna would have been about 12 years old and going to school if she was here. Unfortunately, all old school records here were
destroyed years ago (Political mess) so that was a dead end.
In 1902, after war between Russia and Germany seemed immenent, 25 year-old Emil did not want to be pressed into the army, so he smuggled out of the country and went to Canada to start a new life.
According to passages in "The Love That Endured", the book written by Emil and Rosalile Muench's youngest son, Reihnold, 'Julia' was Emil's sister. She married Fred Kuhn, and sent Emil the ticket to get him to Canada. There is a picture of her and Fred on page 35 taken sometime in the 1940s.
*Note: Frederick Kuhn's meticulous research turned up the following documented information:
Emil was married in Kolonie Parembe in a Baptist church in Zdunska Wolla, Poland. [There is a parish/village called Kolonia near Lazinsk Poland, which may be Kolonie Parembe.]Emil left Zdunska Poland, travelled to the port of Bremen , Germany, then on the S.S. Konig Albert steamship to Naples, Italy, and then to Castle Gardens, New York, and then to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.The S.S. Konig Albert only made one voyage from Bremen, Germany directly to New York City and that was in 1903. The rest of the trips were from Bremen, Germany to Naples, and then toNew York. This is why Emil got a grand tour of the Atlantic in 1904.[Formerly, the S.S. Konig Albert sailed on her maiden voyage from Hamburg, via the Suez Canal to the Far East. She completed 8 round voyages on this service before being transferred on March 3, 1903 to the Bremen - Cherbourg - New York route for a single voyage. On April 16, 1903, she went to the Genoa - Naples - New York run and stayed mainly on this service until commencing her last voyage on June 11, 1914. In 1915, she was seized by the Italian Government and converted to a hospital ship. In 1920 the S.S. Konig Albert was sold into merchant service, and used as a transport for the Italian Navy, before being scrapped in 1926.]"
Emil Muench, a weaver by trade in Poland, reported to customs in the fall of 1904 that he was going to see his brother in law, F.W. 'Fred' Kuhn, in Winnipeg. A ship passenger list indicates Emil Muench spent some time in Italy. During 1904, he arrived in Winnepeg, Manitoba, where his sister, Juliana 'Julia' Muench Kuhn lived. He stayed with their family for a while.
'Fred' Kuhn appears to have gotten Emil his first job with Gallagher, Holman, LaFrance Co. Both men worked at the same address. Gallagher, Holman, LaFrance Co. was listed as a meat packing plant, but also a animal hide warehouse. Frederick William Kuhn was listed as a hideman, Emil listed as a labourer.
'Fred' Kuhn appears to have gotten Emil his first job with Gallagher, Holman, LaFrance Co. Both men worked at the same address. Gallagher, Holman, LaFrance Co. was listed as a meat packing plant, but also a animal hide warehouse. Frederick William Kuhn was listed as a hideman, Emil listed as a labourer.
In Winnipeg, Emil Muench first address appears to be is listed as 773 Alexander Ave. Also living at 773 Alexander Ave is a William Muench working as a carpenter. Emil's wife, Rosalia, was also a weaver by trade in Poland. She and their baby daughter, Martha, arrived in Winnepeg in 1905.
A bit later Emil Muench moved to 1211 Alexander Ave. working as pickle maker at Dyson Pickle Company. They made white vinegar, which they used for the pickles. Emil learned some fine recipes to make sausage and delicious pickles.
August Muench lived at 1211 Alexander Ave. while working as a carpenter. The three Muench brothers were living in Winnipeg at the same time. Later the Muench family [ies] moved to 280 Salter Ave.
Emil had a built a two-room shack before he met Rosalie's train in 1905. Ottillie 'Tillie', Rchard 'Dick' and Wanda 'Vanda' were born in Winnipeg. Emil got very ill and a spot was found on his lung, which made him leave the pickle factory and move out to the country.
The family left Winnepeg in 1910-11, to homesteaded near Bigford District, 28 miles southeast of the nearest town, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada on SE 34-13-11 on very stony land with poor soil.
*Note: Emil Muench, who had a wonderful voice and sang all the time, had a contemporary named Emil Muench who sang professionally. The recordings you find on YouTube are not Julius and Henrieatta's son, Emil.
** See Recollections of Ottillie Muench Leeson
A bit later Emil Muench moved to 1211 Alexander Ave. working as pickle maker at Dyson Pickle Company. They made white vinegar, which they used for the pickles. Emil learned some fine recipes to make sausage and delicious pickles.
August Muench lived at 1211 Alexander Ave. while working as a carpenter. The three Muench brothers were living in Winnipeg at the same time. Later the Muench family [ies] moved to 280 Salter Ave.
Emil had a built a two-room shack before he met Rosalie's train in 1905. Ottillie 'Tillie', Rchard 'Dick' and Wanda 'Vanda' were born in Winnipeg. Emil got very ill and a spot was found on his lung, which made him leave the pickle factory and move out to the country.
The family left Winnepeg in 1910-11, to homesteaded near Bigford District, 28 miles southeast of the nearest town, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada on SE 34-13-11 on very stony land with poor soil.
*Note: Emil Muench, who had a wonderful voice and sang all the time, had a contemporary named Emil Muench who sang professionally. The recordings you find on YouTube are not Julius and Henrieatta's son, Emil.
** See Recollections of Ottillie Muench Leeson
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ROSALIA HERR, Married: EMIL MUENCH May 19, 1902 in Kolonie Parembe in a Baptist church in Zdunskawolla. in Poland.
- MARTHA, born October 10,1903 in Zdunskawolla, Russia-Poland (Martha died August 31, 1956 of cancer, in Canada.)
- OTTILIE MUENCH was born May 24, 1906 (died October 15, 1987 in Spokane, WA). Cremation by Hazen & Jaeger. Interred in Greenwood Cemetery, Spokane, WA. (block Hope)
- RICHARD 'DICK', born April 18, 1908, married Marion Heath (born in 1916), and had three sons, Larry, Alan and Kenneth. Dick died of a heart attack after shoveling snow on January 16, 1954. Marion died of a heart attack 1966. Both are interred in Greenwood Cemetery, Spokane, Washington (block 110)
- WANDA 'VANDA' born October 11, 1909. Married SLAGLE, had one son, Jim, then divorced. Married JOE FOX, and had Walter, George and Paul. Wanda died 1984 of heart failure.
- ROBERT, born 1911. Married Leola Coltis, and had Lorelie and Stephen. Charles Robert Muench died of Parkinson Disease in 1995.(?) He is interred in Greenwood Cemetery, Spokane, Washington.
- EDWARD FREDERICK, born February 24, 1913, died in Spokane, WA of injuries suffered in a motorcycle wreck, May, 1933. Born in Greenwood Cemetery, Spokane, Washington.
- EMMA, born March 19, 1915. Married PAUL STERLING, had daughter, Terrill and son, Carl. Emma died of cancer in 1986?
- REINHOLD AUGUST, born August 5, 1917. Married Bernice had Garth and Caroline.
- OLGA LYDIA, born June 27, 1920. Married Max Reichel, had Gail, Maxine, Byron, Shelby and Angela.
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The female ancestors and descendants of
Roselie [nee Herr] Muench
When Arthur Frank Vanek and Mona Inez Leeson wed on August 31, 1949 they linked the following family trees, [Maternal ~ Muench and Leeson] [Paternal ~ Vanek and Gremaux].
MARTHA married Charlie Divall, March 22, 1924. After he died, she joined Jim Van Ohne in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Jim was born June 6, 1884 in Knoxville, Iowa. Moved from Swift Current to northeastern Saskatchewan, then to Coronation, Alberta, and last to Chilliwack, BC, where she died August 31, 1956 of cancer. Martha's children:
- GRACE MARIE, born in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada, March 7, 1925
- AMY IVADELL, born in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada, July 23, 1926
- JOHN GORDON, born in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 21, 1927
- BELLA EILEEN, born in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada, March 17, 1929
- MARY KATHLEEN, born in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada, September 30, 1930
- DOROTHY THEODORA, born in Nipiwan, Saskatchewan, Canada, December 31, 1921
- (EMMA) RUTH LOUISE, born in Nipiwan, Saskatchewan, Canada, March 19, 1933. Always called RUTH.
- MONA LOREEN ELLEN, born in Nipiwan, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 17, 1934
- LORETTA, born in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, January 2, 1938
- BETTY, born in Barriere Valley, Saskatchewan, Canada, March 3, 1940.
OTTILIE 'TILLIE' married ALBERT EDWARD LEESON on November 23, 1929. Albert had a son, FRANK. Tillie and Albert had three children:
- CHESTER FLOYD, born in Spokane, Washington, October 19, 1931
- MONA INEZ, born in Spokane, Washington, November 26, 1932
- CAROL ELIZABETH, born in Spokane, Washington, February 11, 1936
WANDA 'VANDA' married SLAGLE, They had a son:
- JAMES ALLEN SLAGLE (born in Spokane, Washington, April 26, 1931).
The Slagles divorced and WANDA married JOE LESTER FOX. He had his two sons, BOB (born July 24, 1927) and CHARLES HENRY (born June 12, 1925. 'VANDA' and JOE had three sons:
- WALTER JOSEPH (born July 31, 1934)
- GEORGE ARTHUR (born June 13, 1936)
- PAUL ERWIN (born May 8, 1938)
RICHARD 'DICK' married MARION HEATH. Their three sons:
ROBERT CHARLES 'BOB' married LEOLA 'LEE' COLTIS. Their children:
EMMA married PAUL STERLING, had daughter and son
REINHOLD AUGUST married BERNICE Their children:
OLGA LYDIA married MAX REICHEL. Their children:
I am descended from Emil Muench through Richard and his son, Larry. I would like very much to know the sources, and any contacts that you may have with respect to this line. Similar, but less detailed information that I have was given me years ago by Robert C. Muench from a family bible in his possession. You can reach me at
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Hello Bob,
DeleteI'm delighted to hear from you. Are you my cousin Larry's son? We lost contact with my uncle Richard Muench's family after his wife, Marion passed away. Uncle Bob's wife told us of Larry's tragic death. It would be my pleasure to add a post from you to that branch of the Muench family tree. Please contact me at
Sincerely, Mona (Ottillie Muench Leeson's daughter.)
Send an email to mtscribbler at
ReplyDeleteMona Leeson Vanek